Colombo SIGCHI Research Showcase 2021

Colombo SIGCHI Chapter
4 min readJun 16, 2021


Colombo SIGCHI Research Showcase is a premier virtual event for local researchers enthusiastic in Human-Computer Interaction and related fields to showcase their research; bringing visibility, feedback, and potential opportunities for collaboration.

Call for abstracts flyer — image credit Suvin Nimnaka

If your abstract has been accepted, please share the information/files listed below.

  • A 5-min video presentation — see guidelines below
  • A slide with authors profiles — use this template
  • Prepare the final version of the abstract as you would like to be displayed in MEDIUM (please make sure it has no grammatical errors and typos)
  • Once you have done the above, please fill this form to register for the event (its FREE) before 11.59PM on 23rd June 2021.
  • Please keep your calendar free from 9.00am-12.00pm on 26th June 2021 to attend the event

Video Preparation Guidelines

  1. Minimum video quality must be 720p at 30fps
  2. Duration must not exceed 5 minutes
  3. All presentations must have a voice narration by the main presenter/presenters and a video feed showing the presenters' faces.
  4. It is preferred if the video shows the presenter/presenters as a thumbnail view and the presented slide(s) as the main view. See the image below as an example:
Example screenshot of the expected video — image credit Dr. Shyam Reyal
  1. You are free to use any software to record this video, here are a few recommendations:
  2. OBS Studio —
  3. Bandicam —
  4. Or simply record a ZOOM presentation and download the video file

Please upload the video to Google Drive or YouTube and provide the link in the event registration form.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Will my abstract be featured in some medium and will I be recognized?

Yes. Every abstract that scored more than the minimum criteria will be featured in ACM-SIGCHI Colombo Blog and will be awarded a certificate from ACM SIGCHI Colombo Chapter.

2. Can I submit the same abstract to another conference or journal?

Yes, you can. This event is a research showcase, which does not have any post-proceedings after the event. All selected abstracts are featured only on our web-page unless authors consented to publish in ICTer (which is optional).

Hence, authors can submit the same or modified and extended research work derived from this abstract to any other conference or journal.

3. Will my abstract indexed in online research libraries?

No, the Research showcase will not be indexed or archived. However, we will feature all accepted research abstracts in our medium blog post — this will bring visibility to authors.

However, all accepted papers at the Research showcase are given an option to be published as a poster paper in ICTer conference which is indexed in IEEEXplore Digital Library.

4. Is it a must to present the selected abstract as a poster at ICTer?

No, the authors have the option of withdrawing without having to present their work as a poster at ICTer.

But if you prefer your abstract to be indexed — by default, your acceptance in Colombo SIGCHI Research Showcase will be considered as an acceptance for ICTer as a poster. However, you need to prepare your abstract according to guidelines provided by the ICTer web. Please prepare and submit the paper to ICTer submission portal. ICTer Organizing Committee will be informed about the acceptance from the Colombo SIGCHI Research Showcase, hence you will be informed of the next steps. Authors are responsible to submit the abstracts to ICTer submission portal on deadlines, and then you will be directed on how to proceed with your poster and incorporated publication fee.

5. I have not submitted any abstract, can I take part in the event and be a listener?

Yes, of course, we would love to have many HCI interest community engage with us and be part of our events, please signup for free — you will get the ZOOM link with the calendar invitation by signing up as a guest — Registration link

